Charity project: Super Saturday British School Brussels! We at Hercules Trophy gather our herculean forces and try to make the world a little bit better. For example by supporting charity fund raising.
And that is exactly the aim of this mini Hercules Trophy that is organised on 24th May. Everyone involved with British School Brussels will gather for the Super Saturday Hercules Trophy edition and raise funds for Special Olympics.
The mini version will have 6 Herculean challenges. The opening ceremony, DJ and entertainment will be no different from a typical Hercules Trophy, but in a school decor! Special Olympics will also join the competition with 2 mixed teams.
The British School Super Saturday event is organized by the Herculix Foundation and purely considered as one of our charity projects, as there is no charge at all for the School. The entrance fees charged by the British School to the participants go directly to Special Olympics. Everything is organized on a voluntary basis by British School, Hercules Trophy and V-Formation.