How was Hercules Trophy Mechelen? How did Hercules Trophy 2017 go in Mechelen? In one word: fantastic! The odds were in our favor: the weather was perfect for doing outdoor activities. Not too hot or too cold. The vibe was great from the start until the end, the participating teams really enjoyed it and the 12 Herculean labours were a hit this year!
Here’s the after-movie:
You will find all the pictures on the website
Congratulations to all the winning teams:
Hercules Trophy 23 June
- N° 1: The Dellinquents
- N° 2: BizzTalent Recruitment Monkeys
- N° 3: Team Dellicious
- Coolest Team: The Cloud Chasers (Wolters Kluwer)
- Smartest Team: Roest Niet (Iris Group)
- Best Team Picture: Hai! Team (Samurai at Work)
- Fair Play Team: Team Gloria (Planet Talent)
Hercules Trophy 24 June
- N° 1: Belfiërs, de Dappersten aller Belgen (Belfius)
- N° 2: TriLe(ts)go (Trilations)
- N° 3: The Dirty Thirty (Amadeus)
- Coolest Team: The Deflatables (Medialaan)
- Smartest Team: TriLe(ts)go (Trilations)
- Best Team Picture: The Hateful Seven (Danneels)
- Fair Play Team: Blue Thunder (Ausy/Dataflow/OneAgency)
25 June
- N° 1: Nuts in the Coconut (Greenyard)
- N° 2: Team 1 (Buroform)
- N° 3: Dirty Dozers (Caterpillar)
- Coolest Team: RTC Wa goan we doen (AS Adventure)
- Best Team picture: Lansweeper
- Fair Play Team: Allemaal goe voor mij (Caterpillar)
- Smartest Team: RTC Wa goan we doen (AS Adventure)
Whether you won a medal or not, to us all participants are Herculean.
If you can’t wait until the next edition: book your teams for 2018 with early bird rates until the end of August.