You want to exercise but you have to take care of the kids and family?

You want to exercise but you have to take care of the kids and family?

You want to exercise but you have to take care of the kids and family?

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You don’t have to neglect your family to fit in exercise. Carving out workout time will not only give you the energy you need for a busy schedule, it shows your kids what it means to be healthy. Some ideas:

*Join a health club that has a daycare center.

*Do exercise videos while the kids nap or while you’re waiting for dinner to cook.

*If they’re old enough, have the kids participate in your routine by lifting very small weights, counting your repetitions, or take them with you on your daily walk.

*Find activities the kids will enjoy.

AND… Join the Hecules Trophy!!!

Kids can run around and play all day long! A nice sportive family day out!

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