Hercules Trophy Dubai 2014

Hercules Trophy Dubai 2014


Hercules Trophy Dubai 2014. The new date for Hercules Trophy Dubai has been set on 22 March 2014. Place to be: 7he Sevens Stadium Dubai.

HerculesTrophyDubai2013_thumb_AP6B8772 (1)Book before 31st October and get the SUPER early bird discount. Fans who participated in 2013 will have an even more interesting team rate if they book before the end of this month!

More than 100 teams of 7 will battle it out against market competitors in 12 awesome sport activities. Have a look at the 2013 video to live the unique vibe.

The first 4 challenges for 2014: Sbyke, Cross Country, Kin Ball and Jugger! Hope you like them as much as we do.

Ever considered becoming a Hercules Trophy partner and show your brand to the Hercules fans? Ask for our sponsor packages.

Contact us for a detailed quote or +971 4 321 0008.

The Sevens Logo (Green)