bravos lab Employee Engagement Awards

The first Bravos! Lab was unforgettable


On May 23rd, we hosted our very first Lab for the Bravos! Employee Engagement Awards and it was nothing short of spectacular.

With 50 passionate professionals gathered at Omnicom Media Group (MENA) in Dubai, we kickstarted a community dedicated to tackling the wicked problem of employee engagement.

The vibe in the room was indeed electric, filled with:
✅ Connection
✅ Passion
✅ Curiosity
✅ Sharing
✅ Support
✅ Listening
✅ Community
✅ Vulnerability


It was pure magic.

Key takeaways from the day:
1️⃣ We connect better when we dive deeper than the surface level in our conversations.
2️⃣ Our vulnerabilities, not just our successes, create stronger bonds and reliability.

We are grateful to all the amazing professionals who attended. A special thanks to Elda Choucair for hosting Lab #1 and for being our Chairwoman.

Let’s continue this journey together and make a difference in employee engagement! The pictures are here.

The Bravos Employee Engagement Awards Dubai are a Herculean Alliance experience, powered by Eleven, Omnicom Media Group, AUD and Stanton Chase Middle East. We are crafting a community of experts, coaches, nextgens, candidates and partners to solve the wicked problem of employee engagement. Companies can register, coaches will support them in writing a case, the experts and nextgen jurors will decide who makes it to the second round with live pitching. During the journey we organise Bravos Labs to gather people. We connect, share, listen, learn and celebrate together.